Affordable Housing Webinar: AI in Fair Housing: Bias and Practical Solutions

The HAR Affordable Housing Series: AI in Fair Housing: Bias and Practical Solutions explores the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and fair housing practices within the affordable housing sector. This discussion delves into the complexities of how AI systems can perpetuate bias and discrimination in housing, as well as practical strategies and solutions to mitigate these issues. From algorithmic decision-making to data collection methodologies, this series provides insights into fostering equity and inclusivity in affordable housing initiatives through the lens of AI technology.

In partnership with National Fair Housing Alliance

Speaker: Michael Akinwumi
Provided by
Provided by HAR
Free Course*
Registration Policy
*A $25 fee applies in the event of no show without cancellation

Upcoming class:

Jul 31st (Wed)
12:00 PM – 01:30 PM
Online Enroll

Schedule of Classes

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Jul 31st (Wednesday)

12:00 PM – 01:30 PM
Offered by HAR at Online
Seats Available Seats Available


Offered by

Houston Association of Realtors

The Houston Association of Realtors provides educational resources which will assist our REALTOR® members to be successful, knowledgeable, and profitable. Our courses are inexpensive, informative and are provided utilizing state of the art technology and facilitated by expert instructors. We offer a wide variety of courses which range from a basic overview of MLS and technology tools to advanced certification and designation courses.

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